Activities Under TDC Program

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Program Activities

Activity Purpose
Art meetings As described above
30-minute meetings Short meetings in which art members share that cycle’s practices with non-art members of the school
Classroom observations Done by tdc or peers through intentional planning so that the observer does not miss out on their own class time
District progress check meeting Meetings for mentors held by diets to discuss challenges, areas of improvement, and best practices in schools
District alignment meeting Meetings held with ddes to discuss the overall Programmatic Discussions Challenges and administrative alignment.
Co-learning sessions Held at the beginning of each lic to ensure everyone becomes familiar with the theme and strategies/skills for that cycle. The first round is led by the co-design team, along with stir, for diet faculty. Diets then lead the training for mentors, who go on to lead it for tdcs. At each level, facilitators adapt and add the sessions to suit the needs of their districts.

Key activities and role of Stakeholders at multiple levels in state

Stakeholder Major activities Nature of the role
State SCERT Core Team · Program designing as per the needs of schools
· Alignment with other programs and amplifying the impact
· District level progress check
· Producing supportive circulars and orders

· District teachers of some DIETs
· Mentor Teachers of some districts
· STiR Education representatives from the Design and Program teams
TDC Facilitators
· Support to Mentor Teachers for TDC programs
· Lead facilitators for TDC co learning session and MT CLS

· DIET Principal, DIET Faculty and DIET Facilitators
· District Coordinators (DC)
District Mentor Teachers · Co- learning sessions
· School visits (Dist. officials)

Quick Recap on Programmatic themes journey through LIC themes
Considering the priorities of the Government Core Design Team is able to design and operate Intrinsic Motivation based model based upon following themes –:

Theme Summary Suggested Strategies
LIC 1: Building Connect Helped teachers build a culture of trust and positive communication in the classroom, ensuring that students feel valued. Name Tags
Class Tree
LIC 2: Look for Understanding and Respond Helped teachers use assessments to identify gaps between teaching and learning and adapt teaching strategies to fill those gaps. Differentiated Groups
Peer Learning
Sign for Understanding and Respond
Pre-LIC: Mission Buniyaad Helped teachers learn more about developing reading skills in students. ART members discussed Mission Buniyaad and how it can be strengthened in their schools. Linked to the strategies suggested by the material developed for Mission Buniyaad by the state
LIC 3: Lesson Planning Helped teachers plan and sequence lesson activities in a way that is engaging. Planning also helped teachers be more deliberate in the strategies and questions they used. Opening Routine
Main Activity
Closing Routine
LIC 4: Teaching & Learning Strategies Helped teachers integrate simple techniques to their teaching to help learners understand and remember what they learn. Elaborative Questioning
Retrieval Practices
LIC 5: Classroom Routines Helped teachers build routines that help students take ownership of their own learning and improve engagement. Do Now
No Hands
LIC 6:
Teaching & Learning Strategies 2
Helped teachers incorporate methods that use writing and talking to enable students to consolidate their learning. Scaffolded Student Discussions
Learning Journals
LIC 7:
Social Emotional Wellbeing
Responding to the sudden pandemic crisis, this LIC helped teachers implement strategies that supported the social emotional wellbeing of their students. Active Self-Reflection
Student Collaboration
LIC 8:
Review LIC (Current)
A review of all previously completed LICs to give teachers a chance to revisit and revise those strategies that are most suited to their current needs. All previous themes and strategies
LIC 9:
Building a Stronger Community
This LIC focused on how to improve collaboration and engagement for Mentors and TDCs. At the teacher level, it focused on contextualisation and planning of the different trainings teachers received. Collaboration
LIC 10: Psychological Safety How to offer psychological safety to enhance learning. Especially to support the implementation of Mission Buniyaad. Creating comfort around mistakes
 Culture of appreciation

How do I give great feedback to a TDC?
Why is it important?
Research shows that effective feedback from colleagues or managers is one the most powerful ways to help someone improve. However, if we get feedback wrong it can be very damaging. Therefore, it is crucial that, as an MT, you have a very strong understanding of giving effective feedback to a TDC.

So how do I give good feedback?
Giving feedback can be a sensitive matter. When you wish to give feedback to a TDC or anyone else on their performance, it is important to plan out what you are going to say so as to relieve this potential sensitivity. The plan should include the following steps. The examples are for giving feedback to TDCs during classroom observations.

Start positive It is important for the TDC receiving the feedback to feel that you are ‘on their side’. Starting with a positive sets a really clear tone that you are there because you want to help, not because you want to criticize or undermine. ‘It is really great to see how much time you are now spending supporting students. I want to recognise you for this as I know you have many other duties to do as well’
Encourage reflection Give a chance for the person to reflect on their actions before telling them what you saw/how you think they can improve. This helps to build ownership and will depersonalize the situation. ‘When I saw you give feedback to Abdul Sir, how do you think it went? What went well? What do you think could have been better? Why?’
Be specific When giving points for improvement, be very specific about what you are referring to. This again depersonalizes things and will help show them that you are not just giving a negative view for the sake of it, but are trying to help specific behaviours. You should also keep it to ONE area of feedback (more than that is overwhelming) so if there is more than one area for improvement, decide which one is more important and use that one. ‘It was interesting when you went straight into the things the teacher had done wrong in the lesson. Abdul Sir’s body language changed. I wonder if it would have been more effective to have started with a positive to set a better tone?’
Agree on an action It is important that the TDC knows what they should do differently and commits to trying it out. You can help them with this. ‘So when is your next observation? Ok, so next Tuesday when you give feedback to the teacher, try start with a positive. Let’s write that down on the classroom observation form now so we don’t forget about it’.

A TDC has told you that he has completed 4 classroom observations at his school. However, when you ask the teachers, they say this hasn’t happened. Another teachers confirms this, saying he had agreed with the teachers that he would come in on Tuesday but he didn’t show up. You need to speak to the TDC and give him feedback about this. Plan out what you would say using the table below.
Plan what kind of feedback you would give to the TDC using the table below.

Start positive  
Encourage reflection  
Be specific  
Agree on an action  


Developmental Feedback meet-ups for TDCs
For the TDC developmental feedback meet-ups, you will give TDCs the opportunity to reflect upon, receive feedback and commit to improving their delivery of the ART Meetings/classroom observations and feedback. The following structure may work well for these meetings:


  • Introduce the meeting and thank the TDC for their hard work, and comment specifically on any great practice you have seen.
  • Invite the TDC to share their reflections on what has been going well, and what could be better. Ask them to rate their ART meetings/classroom observations on a score of 1-5 based on the success descriptors, explaining their answer.
  • Probe the TDC, asking how they know and why they think these things are going well or could be better. Ask them specifically how they have promoted Growth Mindset and recognition.
  • Give suggestions and feedback to the TDC based on your observations from the field, including the scores you gave and why.
  • Ask the TDC for their thoughts and response to the feedback.
  • Ensure that the TDC has committed to an action going forward, and ask them to share this with you and with a date for when they will complete it.

How will I receive developmental feedback?
As mentioned, one of the key supports you will receive is regular support for your own professional growth, where you will get the opportunity to reflect upon to strengthen your practice. The templates below will help you plan for the feedback sessions you will have with your District Coordinators and DIET facilitators, or your peers.

Objective for the meeting This is where you will state what you want to get out of the mentoring meeting. You need to think about this in advance, and be very clear what you hope to do.
Actions from last meeting This is what you agreed in your last meeting.
What did I do to meet the actions? This is where you list what you have done in order to address the actions you committed to. You will explain what you did and how.
How did I promote Growth Mindset or recognition? This is your chance to explain how you have implemented the strategies from the co-learning session to promote a culture of learning in your schools.
What went well Describe here the successes you had in addressing the actions.
What could have been better Describe here what could have gone better.
What do I want to achieve as a result Note here what you want to do over the next couple of months to be shared with the mentee and peers.
Feedback/suggestions Note here any feedback and suggestions you get from the district official or peers from the meeting.
Actions and timelines State 1-3 concrete actions you will take as a result of the meeting.
How will I promote Growth Mindset and recognition? This will help you focus on continuing to promote great culture by refining again your use of the strategies.

Support to mentors

Who will help me? How will they help me? The doubts/query I have
TDC Nodal    
District Coordinator    
Program Manager    
Data based Discussion    

Action Planning

What are you excited about w.r.t the TDC Programme?  
What do you think will be 1-2 of your big challenges?  
What can you do to prepare for/prevent those challenges?  
What support do you need from 1) older MTs 2) your PM  